More on
pedestrian detection.

  Recent Daimler
 publications on pedestrian detection





Training Set

52112 samples

pedTrainIntensity.mat (1.0 GB)
pedTrainStereo.mat (1.2 GB)
pedTrainFlow.mat (860 MB)

32465 samples

nonpedTrainIntensity.mat (703 MB)
nonpedTrainStereo.mat (813 MB)
nonpedTrainFlow.mat (546 MB)

Test Set

25608 samples

pedTestIntensity.mat (560 MB)
pedTestStereo.mat (604 MB)
pedTestFlow.mat (418 MB)

16235 samples

nonpedTestIntensity.mat (350 MB)
nonpedTestStereo.mat (403 MB)
nonpedTestFlow.mat (269 MB)

Test Set
(Partially Occluded)

11160 samples

pedOccludedTestIntensity.mat (47 MB)
pedOccludedTestStereo.mat (271 MB)
pedOccludedTestFlow.mat (173 MB)

16235 samples,
see non-occluded test set for non-pedestrians, above

nonpedTestIntensity.mat (350 MB)
nonpedTestStereo.mat (403 MB)
nonpedTestFlow.mat (269 MB)

The original authors would appreciate hearing about other publications that make use of the benchmark data set in order to include corresponding references on this website, see contact.

Last Update: October 5, 2010.